Monday, June 1, 2009

After 3 months !!

It's been almost three months since the time I last blogged. I guess I was suffering from the writer's block. It was mostly because there were bunch of complicated things that were going on in my life. I have managed to put many things on the right track .... but still there are many things that need my attention. Many things have changed since the time I last blogged. For the past three months ..I have been quite busy... a lot was happening in my life every weekend parties (including some first time experiences) , shifted to a new house (awesome one) and many more ...

Let's see what all has changed since the last time i blogged:

I started facebooking and have begun to like it now and feels much better than orkut. Well facebook is one of the reasons that has kept me away from blogging.

IPL T20 season-2 turned out to be even better and exciting than the first one. When I watched the IPL last year I felt it so boring that I though that watching cricket doesn't excite me any more , but this season I watched all the matches and I loved it and specially those zozoo ad's what a creativity .. mind blowing !!

In Politics , finally the elections are over and the results were a disaster for BJP , personally I feel it's great that Congress came to power , it seems to be a more stable governement plus BJP lacks a strong leader. Also relieved that BSP did not won too many seats otherwise the story would have been different. Though after all those terrorist attacks ...and against all odds still congress came to the top. Let's hope things change for India now.

And recently in Tennis, Nadal's first loss in French Open . Well I don't know why I feel so happy about it may be because Nadal's dominance in the clay court made the game boring for me and also I wanted Federe to make it to 14 this time. May be Nadal's loss opens the door for Federer. Lets wait and watch if Federer can do it this time.

Well there are many things to write , but I felt nice writing after such a long time . Lets hope I get some time to blog every week.