Saturday, November 29, 2008

There's no one alive here !!

This post comes after all has been over at the Mumbai ... what follows is sure to be prone to rambling and rant and many such same emotions !! Continioulsy following all the activities from the past three to four days and reading all the comments ..looks like enough is enough !!
Student , 21 years old came through waters divided themseleves in the group and created a havoc in mumbai!! . Walked into CST. Gunned down civilians and moved on to Cama Hospital. Its hard to think that how the brain of these young students can be manipulated so that they are willing to kill every person running around . I know our generation has a great desire for material success but these young men yarn of after life paradise ...
The Aftermath !!
Terrorsit have realised that killing common man , throwing bombs at the crowded place doesn't count more , but what counts is targetting the people inside the high end suites of Taj and Oberoi.
The IIT-ian at leopold died. He was going to be married in a week . Imagine how hard he must have stuidied to get through IIT , his four years at the institute where he would have thought of cherishing every dream of his life .. 27 years of happiness and sadness which meant so much to many people , but did the person who just barged in and opened fire think of it .. he didn't he just thought to take the number as high as possible !!
The Politicians.
Next day after the attack .. Prime minsiter Manmohan Singh asked L.K Advani to come with him to mumbai to show that in tough times we are together and we will fight this with power and unity .. I thought that may be time has come that politicians will understand the plight of common man , but as always the most high profiled politicians couldn't keep their promise .. i think what more needs to happen to change these politicians !! And what is going to be followed is allegations .. counter allegations and mud slinging ..
Salute to the Heroes !!
Its over terrorist got what they came for . Our brave , gallant NSG fought like real heroes.The NSG commandos, army, navy, police force and the fire fighters have all fought bravely and intensely and I shall salute to all them, for all my life. They are the real heroes of today, and they will always remain in our memory . They fought and sacrificed their life for Mumbai , without thinking to which state they belong or what language they speak .. they fought for the motherland
What Next !!
Yes we will return to normal .. because there is no option !! we will mourn today and forget tommorow , will elect the same politicians again , and will make the weekend plans as we always do , because we are alive and we to got to move on isnt it ??

Lost and gone forever !!

Started this series around two - three months back , when I just bought my new laptop XPS M1530 (Red) , copied all the series and stuff from my friends hard disk and began my incessant habbit of watching the tv series every night though I had many important things to do !! I began with Lost and I had around 3 seasons of it in store .
Here it goes it follows the lives of the plane crash survivors on this mysterious island .. where they shows the past life of each survivor before the crash and relate each survivour in some of the other way. Love the role played by Jack , Kate and Swayer .The writers have brought all the mystical element together ... Dharma Initiative group, Black smoke , experiments and the strange nature of the island !!
Completed all the three seasons after continuous watching and everything in the series remain unanswered the way the writers have twisted the story and what possible you think can happen they have shown that !! Then comes the major twist at the end of the third season when future of some survivors are shown.
I have my different theories of wats happening , but still guessing wats going next. I think that the island seems to be in a different time space and is hidden from the world where things from cannot monitor this place (seems excinting ... looks myself turning into some story writer ..) Well lets see what happens as I am still downloading Season 4 and maintaining my curiosity !!

Taken !!

After exhausting all the episode of the Lost Series and nothing left to watch I switched to Taken presented by Spielberg . Well already watched the band of brothers that was produced by Spielberg thought this will be a treat to watch and with all the Sci-fi material attached to the series and all the excitement came out to be true. Taken is one of the best science fiction mini series that one would really come across. Starting the series with the abduction of the human by the aliens and ending with the little girl gone and confirming her return was cool !! I just finished watching the series and hell lot of things still seem to be unanswered .. well fiction and fact are beautifully interlaced in this series.Loved the role played by Julie Benz

Caught in a Catch-22 !!

Started reading Catch 22 after I came across this psot where someone psoted as one of the best novels to be read !! . I am felling pretty lukewarm about it. Well one point that came across after I just read around 3-4 chapters is that this novel is a morally serious and dark comic master piece. The question is what is right thing to do in the basic social dilemma , either a person cooperate with others or just leave them alone for the greater benifits of the individual !! Well that is basically one of the theme of this novel !! lools like I am going to have a very long relationship with this book ..