Monday, June 1, 2009

After 3 months !!

It's been almost three months since the time I last blogged. I guess I was suffering from the writer's block. It was mostly because there were bunch of complicated things that were going on in my life. I have managed to put many things on the right track .... but still there are many things that need my attention. Many things have changed since the time I last blogged. For the past three months ..I have been quite busy... a lot was happening in my life every weekend parties (including some first time experiences) , shifted to a new house (awesome one) and many more ...

Let's see what all has changed since the last time i blogged:

I started facebooking and have begun to like it now and feels much better than orkut. Well facebook is one of the reasons that has kept me away from blogging.

IPL T20 season-2 turned out to be even better and exciting than the first one. When I watched the IPL last year I felt it so boring that I though that watching cricket doesn't excite me any more , but this season I watched all the matches and I loved it and specially those zozoo ad's what a creativity .. mind blowing !!

In Politics , finally the elections are over and the results were a disaster for BJP , personally I feel it's great that Congress came to power , it seems to be a more stable governement plus BJP lacks a strong leader. Also relieved that BSP did not won too many seats otherwise the story would have been different. Though after all those terrorist attacks ...and against all odds still congress came to the top. Let's hope things change for India now.

And recently in Tennis, Nadal's first loss in French Open . Well I don't know why I feel so happy about it may be because Nadal's dominance in the clay court made the game boring for me and also I wanted Federe to make it to 14 this time. May be Nadal's loss opens the door for Federer. Lets wait and watch if Federer can do it this time.

Well there are many things to write , but I felt nice writing after such a long time . Lets hope I get some time to blog every week.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Block !!

It has been long since I posted something ... seems to be facing a writer's block but will get back to posting some good posts soon after I get over it... touch wood. Till then enjoy this pick-up from my favourite comic strip Pearls Before Swine.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Game Over !!

Hard to grasp , but the inevitable happened today and finally terrorism strikes the sporting world. Pakistani militants launched a deadly attack on the Srilankan cricket team.

Tuesday March 3rd masked gunmen in Lahore attacked a convoy carrying Sri Lanka’s national cricket team, wounding seven players and a British coach and killing five policemen and two others. The Sri Lankan cricketers were traveling to the city’s Gaddafi stadium, to commence the third day of a five-day game against Pakistan’s national side. The team bus was attacked by around a dozen militants armed with automatic rifles and grenades. About six of the Srilankan players are injured. In a stunned first response to the calamity, a member of Sri Lanka’s cricket board announced that the game had been abandoned.

Pakistan has been under several terrorism attacks in the recent years. Starting from the death of Benazir Bhutto, to the suicide bombing of the Marriott hotel and this latest attack on a cricket team. Well there was always a feeling that cricket will not be the target of the terrorism,so this attack stands out even more. Its strange Srilankan's aren't westerner's and thus the attack come more as a surprise.

It is certain that this will finally bring a stop to the international cricket in Pakaistan and impact the South Asian countries to the core. It looks India's decision not to tour Pakistan has been the right one and so have been the decision taken by Australia and WestIndies. People say that if we stop touring the countries facing terrorist attacks then we are giving terrorism an upper hand , but on the other hand what I feel that if the countries tour aren't they providing a soft target for the terrorist.

We must realize now that it is the end of the cricketing era in Pakistan. I often thought Partition was a tragedy and it would have been great had the two countries been together but now I think that Partition gave India breathing room and saved it from years of civil war. The biggest concern for India is not the Kashmir issue but it is Pakistan itself.

Coincidentally, Pakistan’s cricketing powers have been in decline. Muhammad Yousuf (who controversially converted from Christianity in 2005) one of the country's best player, has been banned from playing for Pakistan after falling out with the PCB. Two of the next best, Shoaib Akhtar and Muhammad Asif, have been periodically suspended for taking banned drugs and other misbehaviour.

Comparing all the jehadi attacks , it clearly shows that Pakistan is the country in turmoil.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Based on the real-life story of the two reporters who would not give up on the story of the Watergate break-in, ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN is as gripping as any detective movie. The movie is based on the book ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN written by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward , the two journalist who investigated the Water-Gate break in and exposed Richard Nixon and his shadow government.

The movie shows the chronicle of the Washington Post Vs. the Watergate scandal is not only a poignant statement about the role of the press in the 1970s, but also one of the most successful political movies in American history. The movie start showing a break-in occurs at the Democratic Party's National Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel, Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein begin to investigate possible connections to the Nixon campaign. As they continue their investigations, it becomes clear that the conspiracy goes to the highest levels of the Republican Party. It is simply a classical political thriller.

The movie also showcases the famous "Deep Throat" , still unidentified when the movie was filmed, is someone from the inside who will not allow himself to be identified or even quoted, but is willing to confirm what the reporters are able to find elsewhere.

Great movie about the Watergate Scandal. All though it is entertaining & educational at the same time, and is also a classic. Exciting movie, thrilling subject, definitely worth watching.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

High hopes !!

To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

America has a history of their President's first inaugural speech . George Washington said he was not up to the job but will do his best. Abraham Lincoln was sworn in by the person , who passed the law which upheld slavery and deemed black person inferior. Barack Obama's inauguration was a completely different story. It was the first time that so many people watched and listned to his inaugral speech , beacuse he has charmed the people from Washington to Delhi .

The message of Obama's speech was light. He highlighted that America is in crisis , is at war , the economy has failed . He said each day further the task will be much harder , but he promised a bold and a swift action to revive the economy. But nothing will happen easily and quickly. His speech indicated that tough decisions need to be taken , there was a hint that America should set aside thier way of living beyond the means.

The speech addressed domestic concerns and evoked memories of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Obama spoke to the international community as well. With plans in place to close Guantanamo Bay immediately and begin to withdraw troops from Iraq, Obama is seeking to remake America's image overseas, which had taken a dive under the Bush Administration. I believe that many Africans will be expressing optimism that Obama's presidency would mark a significant improvement in U.S. policies towards Africa. Well the speech of Mr. President Obama is exactly a tremendous message of change and hope.

But the party is over , before he could get a feel of the job American firms announced at least 65,000 job cuts on January 26th alone. I guess Mr Obama has to tackle two wars, a recession and the unexpected optimism shown by the American people.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What I have been listening to lately !!

It's said music is in the air, music is all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require. Well music does really gives a pleasure which human nature cannot do without. Here are some of songs which are my favorite and surely these songs give me some sort of spirit which never dies !!

1. Nickel back - Far away : A very beautiful song , the lyrics are damn good it's more of a heart felt and emotional song .

2. Backstreet Boys - I Just Want You To Know : One of the classic song of Backstreet Boys , pleasant to listen and easy to sing along , song has a great beat sound and the harmonies are impeccable.

3. U2 - Walk On : I have been a U2 fan for long now , and this song is one of the reasons for it .
Wonderful song with meaningful lyric. "walk on" is always my favorite song. The meaning behind the lyric makes me feel great.

4. U2 - With or without you : Another one from U2 , simply awesome song !!

5. Phil collins- In the air tonight : Beautiful song and extraordinary, because of its drum sound in particular initially almost nothing happens in it , you don't hear for about two minutes...then there's that great doo-dom doo-dom doo-dom comes in, and the drums come in half way through the song.

6. Hillary Duff - Come Clean : I don't particualrly like hillary duff songs , but like this song very much , I guess one of the hilary's best song.

7. Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight : Great song , good lyrics and tune

8. Eagles - Hotel California : A master piece !!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009 !!

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day." - Edith Lovejoy Pierce

I just did a quick peek at the year 2008 and here are somethings that I will remember from the previous year ....

1. India - US sign the landmark N deal
2. Obama's Victory speech .
3. Transition time for the Indian cricket , retirement of two biggest stars of Indian cricket : Saurav Gnaguly and Anil kumble
4. Indian gold medal at Olympics.
5. Global Financial crisis.
6. Chandrayaan: Moon mission
7. Mumbai attack .

Well on the personal front another year has just passed by and I was just thinking how to describe the past year... not really most beautiful year of my life but I would say it as the Most happening year of my life !!

2008 was the year when,

I quit my first job in the software industry and joined DE Shaw.

I started this blog.

I read more number of novels , that I would have read in all my previous years put together.

I bought my first laptop.

I watched the most number of TV series , that I would have watched at my four years at college.

I again was not able to crack CAT exam to get into the IIM's.

I drunk and visited more pubs and partied more than I would have ever done.

I realized the more you learn the less you know.

" A lot to remember and lot to forget was the year 2008 for me !! "