Thursday, December 4, 2008

Citizens for Peace !!

Enough is enough is the new catch phrase for the Indian public after the terrorist attack at mumbai. Mumbaikars prepared a massive protest at the Gateway of India and a similar was launched in New Delhi at India Gate. There had been many terrorist attack but this time it looks like a wave is going through the whole nation as if time has come .... and some hard steps have to be taken.
Well we believe in peace, but we also want justice . The time is now for India to deliver justice to all victims of terror. There should be a reform .. political reform , police reform ensuring that no terrorist gets out easily. This terror strike has jarred the Indians in a way that long history of terror bombings and violence never has before. I believe the tipping point has come , we should wake up as we have the influence and the ability to make up.
But what change can be fashioned at this moment is still unclear . Its like a jumble of frustration and anxieties , but we should be focussed on the country's problem ... otherwise we don't have the right to blame any one else but overselves !!

1 comment:

Deepanshu Bansal said...

To ensure peace and justice, the govt. needs to work on two fronts. one contains police reform, tight security and checks on ministers and other front lies to buildup intelligent intelligence agency containg really smart people thru which we can watch the enemy actions, to make this possible good investments needs to be done.