Sunday, December 21, 2008

Inspired ...

"A failed entrepreneur is one who quits and goes back to a job. If you're not a successful entrepreneur - it just means that you are not successful - yet! " -- Sanjeev Bikchandani (CEO

There are many times in one's life when one is inspired to do something different , sometimes that inspiration takes us to the greater heights , sometimes we are not able to achieve what we set for , but our thoughts does change in the end. It's said change your thoughts and it will change your life.

Yes currently I am deeply inspired after reading the book " Stay hungry Stay foolish by Rashmi Bansal" . The book has nothing to do with the phrase " Stay hungry Stay foolish given by Steve Jobs" It is a book about the 25 young and old entrepreneurs from the IIM-A. The book consist of 25 chapters the interviews of these 25 people , their stories of how they overcome their hardships and became successful enterpreneurs.

The one thing which I liked about the book is that of all the 25 people selected , each achieved or became successful enterpreneur in their own way. Some were young , some were old, some started their company right after they passed out of IIM , some worked for 15 to 20 years and then quit their job to became successful enterprenur , some even lived on their wife's income , but all these could not really stop them doing what they wanted. This self belief in them created companies like , , Subhiksha and many more.

Personally I liked the story of Sanjeev Bikchandani the CEO of , the first dotcom to IPO on an Indian stock exchange.

I will suggest all to read this book , buy it and keep this book.



a.erakkil said...

i'd read this recently too...inspiring read indeed...though most of the stoires were of earlier IIM grads...reading abt their triumphs over odds does inspire..!

Apurva Agarwal said...

Thanks for the comment anoop , yups really inspiring stories ... though for the writer it would have been difficult to pickup the 25 IIM grads to interview as there would be many great and inspiring stories of IIM grads still left to be revealed !!