Friday, December 5, 2008

Illusions... are you watching closely ??

" The world is simple. It's miserable. Solid... Solid all the way through. But if you could fool them, even for a second......then you could make them wonder. And then you... Then you got to see something very special " that's the way the illusions are produced , but the clues are all there , the key is to watch carefully , the trick is to show the clues , distract you and never put the clues together .. never makes two and two together !!
Every illusion has three parts ... 1 . The Pledge ( show something ordinary ...) , 2. The Turn (change ordinary into something extraordianry ...) , 3. The Prestige ( where something impossible happens go for answers but you cannot find one and that's were you are fooled ..) ... well that's the magic or the illusion !!

1 comment:

Saurabh said...

The Prestige :)
Its an awesome movie.